Friday, October 21, 2016


Class: Anti-inflammatory Agents
ATC Class: D07AB
VA Class: DE200
Chemical Name: Pregn-4-ene-3,20-dione,6-fluoro-11,21-dihydroxy-16,17-[(1-methylethylidene)bis (oxy)]-,(6α,11β,16α)-
Molecular Formula: C24H33FO6
CAS Number: 1524-88-5
Brands: Cordran


A synthetic fluorinated corticosteroid.a

Uses for Flurandrenolide

Corticosteroid-responsive Dermatoses

Relief of inflammatory and pruritic manifestations of corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses.a c d e

Generally most effective in acute or chronic dermatoses (e.g., seborrheic or atopic dermatitis, localized neurodermatitis, anogenital pruritus, psoriasis, late phase of allergic contact dermatitis, inflammatory phase of xerosis).b

Topical therapy generally preferred over systemic therapy; fewer associated adverse systemic effects.b

Topical therapy generally only controls manifestations of dermatoses; eliminate cause if possible.b

Topical efficacy may be increased by using a higher concentration or occlusive dressing therapy. (See Administration with Occlusive Dressing under Dosage and Administration.)b

Response may vary from one topical corticosteroid preparation to another.b

Anti-inflammatory activity may vary considerably depending on the vehicle, drug concentration, site of application, disease, and individual patient.b

Flurandrenolide 0.05% ointment is considered to have high-range potency.b

Flurandrenolide 0.05% cream is considered to have medium-range potency.b

Flurandrenolide Dosage and Administration


  • Consider location of the lesion and the condition being treated when choosing a dosage form.b

  • Creams are suitable for most dermatoses, but ointments may also provide some occlusion and are usually used for the treatment of dry, scaly lesions.b Tape is most suitable for dry, scaling localized lesions.d

  • Lotions are probably best for treatment of weeping eruptions, especially in areas subject to chafing (e.g., axilla, foot, groin).b Lotions may be used on hairy areas, particularly the scalp.b

  • Formulation affects percutaneous penetration and subsequent activity; extemporaneous preparation or dilution of commercially available products with another vehicle may decrease effectiveness.b

  • Patients applying a topical corticosteroid to a large surface area and/or to areas under occlusion should be evaluated periodically for evidence of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)-axis suppression by appropriate endocrine testingb c d e (e.g., ACTH stimulation,b c d e plasma cortisol,b urinary free cortisolb c d e ). (See Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Suppression and also Systemic Effects, under Cautions.)


Topical Administration

For dermatologic use only; avoid contact with eyes.c d e

Apply creams, ointments, and lotions topically to the skin or scalp.c e

The area of skin to be treated may be thoroughly cleansed before topical application to reduce the risk of infection; however, some clinicians believe that, unless an occlusive dressing is used, cleansing of the treated area is unnecessary and may be irritating.b

Apply cream or lotion sparingly in a thin film and rub gently into the affected area.a c e Apply ointment in a thin film.c

After a favorable response is achieved, frequency of application or concentration (strength) may be decreased to the minimum necessary to maintain control and to avoid relapse; discontinue if possible.b


Gently clean affected area using germicidal soap or cleanser to remove scales, crusts, dried exudates, and previously used ointments or creams.d

Shave or clip hair in treatment area; dry skin completely before applying tape.d

Cut tape slightly larger than area to be covered, rounding off corners; do not tear tape.d

Remove paper backing; apply tape, keeping skin smooth; press into place.d

If ends of tape loosen prematurely, trim off ends and replace with fresh tape.d

When replacing tape, cleanse skin and allow to dry for 1 hour before applying new tape.d

Administration with Occlusive Dressing

Occlusive dressings may be used for severe or resistant dermatoses (e.g., psoriasis).b c e (See Occlusive Dressings under Cautions.)

Soak or wash the affected area to remove scales; apply a thin film of cream, ointment, or lotion; rub gently into the lesion;b c e and apply another thin film.b Cover affected area with a thin, pliable plastic film and seal it to adjacent normal skin with adhesive tape or hold in place with a gauze or elastic bandage.b c e

If affected area is moist, incompletely seal the edges of the plastic film or puncture the film to allow excess moisture to escape.b For added moisture in dry lesions, apply cream or lotion and cover with a dampened cloth before the plastic film is appliedc e or briefly soak the affected area in water before application of the drug and plastic film.b

Thin polyethylene gloves may be used on the hands and fingers, plastic garment bags may be used on the trunk or buttocks, a tight shower cap may be used for the scalp, or whole-body suits may be used instead of plastic film to provide occlusion.b c e

Frequency of occlusive dressing changes depends on the condition being treated; cleansing of the skin and reapplication of the corticosteroid are essential at each dressing change.b

Occlusive dressing usually is left in place for 12–24 hours and therapy is repeated as needed.b Although occlusive dressing may be left in place for 3–4 days at a time in resistant conditions,c e most clinicians recommend intermittent use of occlusive dressings for 12 hours daily to reduce the risk of adverse effects (particularly infection) and systemic absorption and for greater convenience.b

Manufacturer recommends continuing treatment for a few days after lesion clearing to prevent relapse; if relapse does occur, resinstituting treatment may cause remission.c e

The drug and an occlusive dressing may be used at night, and the drug or a bland emollient may be used without an occlusive dressing during the day.b c e

In patients with extensive lesions, sequential occlusion of only one portion of the body at a time may be preferable to whole-body occlusion.b (See Occlusive Dressings under Cautions.)


Pediatric Patients

Administer the least amount of topical preparations that provide effective therapy.b c d e (See Pediatric Use under Cautions.)

Corticosteroid-responsive Dermatoses


Apply cream, ointment, or lotion sparingly 2–3 times daily.a c e

Replace tape every 12 hours;a d may be left in place for 24 hours if well tolerated and adheres satisfactorily.d

If necessary, may use tape at night only and remove during the day.d


Corticosteroid-responsive Dermatoses


Apply cream, ointment, or lotion sparingly 2–3 times daily.c e

Replace tape every 12 hours; may be left in place for 24 hours if well tolerated and adheres satisfactorily.d

If necessary, may use tape at night only and remove during the day.d

Special Populations

No special population dosage recommendations at this time.c d e

Cautions for Flurandrenolide


  • Known hypersensitivity to flurandrenolide or any ingredient in the formulation.c d e

  • Tape: Lesions exuding serum or in intertriginous areas.d


Sensitivity Reactions

Allergic contact dermatitis may manifest as failure to heal rather than irritation as occurs with other topical preparations that do not contain corticosteroids; confirm with diagnostic patch testing.b

General Precautions

Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Suppression

Topically applied corticosteroids can be absorbed in sufficient amounts to reversibly suppress the HPA axis.b c d e

Perform periodic HPA-axis evaluation by appropriate testing (e.g., ACTH stimulation,b c d e morning plasma cortisol,b urinary free cortisolb c d e ), especially in patients applying a topical corticosteroid to a large surface area or to areas under occlusion.b c d e

If HPA-axis suppression occurs, withdraw the drug, reduce the frequency of application, and/or substitute a less potent corticosteroid.b c d e

HPA-axis function recovery generally is prompt and complete following drug discontinuance.b c d e

Rarely, glucocorticosteroid insufficiency may require systemic corticosteroid therapy.b c d e

Systemic Effects

Systemic absorption following topical administration may result in manifestations of Cushing's syndrome, hyperglycemia, and glucosuria in some patients.b c d e

Adverse systemic effects may occur when corticosteroids are used on large areas of the body, for prolonged periods of time, with an occlusive dressing, and/or concurrently with other corticosteroid-containing preparations.b

Infants and children may be more susceptible to adverse systemic effects. c d e (See Pediatric Use under Cautions.)

Local Effects

Possible adverse local reactions (e.g., burning, itching, irritation, dryness, folliculitis, hypertrichosis, acneiform eruptions, hypopigmentation, perioral dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, maceration of the skin, secondary infection, skin atrophy, striae, miliaria); may occur more frequently with the use of occlusive dressings, especially with prolonged therapy.b

Prolonged use of topical corticosteroids may cause atrophy of the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue;b these effects are most likely to occur (even with short-term use) in intertriginous (e.g., axilla, groin), flexor, and facial areas.b

If irritation occurs, discontinue drug and institute appropriate therapy.b c d e

Skin Infection

If concurrent skin infection is present or develops, initiate appropriate anti-infective therapy.b c d e If infection does not respond promptly, consult clinician and discontinue topical corticosteroid therapy until the infection has been controlled.b c d e

When topical corticosteroids and topical anti-infectives are used concomitantly, consider that the corticosteroid may mask clinical signs of bacterial, fungal, or viral infections; prevent recognition of ineffectiveness of the anti-infective; or suppress hypersensitivity reactions to ingredients in the formulation.b In addition, consider the cautions, precautions, and contraindications associated with the anti-infective.b (See Occlusive Dressings under Cautions.)

Some manufacturers state that topical corticosteroids are contraindicated in patients with tuberculosis of the skin, dermatologic fungal infections, and cutaneous or systemic viral infection (including vaccinia and varicella and herpes simplex of the eye or adjacent skin).b However, most clinicians believe topical corticosteroids can be used with caution if the infection is treated.b

Occlusive Dressings

Adverse systemic corticosteroid effects may occur with use of occlusive dressings on large areas of the body and for prolonged periods of time; monitor accordingly.b (See Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Suppression and also Systemic Effects, under Cautions.)

Adverse local reactions may occur more frequently with the use of occlusive dressings, especially with prolonged therapy.b (See Local Effects under Cautions.)

Do not use occlusive dressings on weeping or exudative lesions.b c

Do not use occlusive dressings in patients with primary skin infection.b

Remove occlusive dressings covering large areas if body temperature increases; thermal homeostasis may be impaired.b c

Restrict use in hospitalized patients; increased hazard of secondary infection from resistant strains of staphylococci.c e

If infection develops, discontinue use of occlusive dressings and institute appropriate antimicrobial therapy.c e (See Skin Infection under Cautions.)

Use plastic occlusive material with care to avoid the risk of suffocation.b c e

If miliaria or folliculitis occurs, discontinue use of occlusive dressing; may continue corticosteroid treatment.c e

Do not use flammable plastic films as occlusive material.c e

Specific Populations


Category C.c d e


Not known whether topical flurandrenolide is distributed into milk.c d e Caution advised if topical flurandrenolide is used.c d e

Pediatric Use

Tight-fitting diapers or plastic pants should not be used on a child being treated in the diaper area, since such garments may constitute occlusive dressings.c d e

Children are more susceptible to topical corticosteroid-induced HPA-axis suppression and Cushing's syndrome than mature individuals because of a greater skin surface area-to-body weight ratio,b c d e especially when topical corticosteroids are applied to >20% of body surface area.f The risk of adrenal suppression appears to increase with decreasing age.b (See Systemic Effects under Cautions.)

Manifestations of adrenal suppression in children include linear growth retardation, delayed weight gain, low plasma cortisol concentrations, and lack of response to corticotropin (ACTH) stimulation.b c d e

Children also are at greater risk of glucocorticoid insufficiency during and/or after withdrawal of treatment.d

Intracranial hypertension has occurred in children; manifestations include bulging fontanelles, headaches, and bilateral papilledema.b c d e

Topical corticosteroid therapy in children should be limited to the minimum amount necessary for therapeutic efficacy; chronic topical corticosteroid therapy may interfere with growth and development.b c d e

Common Adverse Effects

Burning, itching, irritation, dryness, folliculitis, hypertrichosis, acneiform eruptions, hypopigmentation, perioral dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, maceration of the skin, secondary infection, skin atrophy, striae, miliaria.c d e

Interactions for Flurandrenolide

Specific Drugs and Laboratory Tests

Drug or Test


Nitroblue-tetrazolium test for bacterial infection

Concurrent use of corticosteroids reportedly may result in false-negative resultsb

Flurandrenolide Pharmacokinetics



Topically applied flurandrenolide can be absorbed through normal intact skin.b c d e

Percutaneous penetration of corticosteroids following topical application to the skin varies among individuals and may be increased by occlusive dressings, high corticosteroid concentrations, and certain vehicles.b c d e

Only minimal amounts of topical corticosteroid reach the dermis and subsequently the systemic circulation after application to most normal skin areas; more absorption occurs from the scrotum, axilla, eyelid, face, and scalp than from the forearm, knee, elbow, palm, and sole.b

Absorption is markedly increased by loss of the skin’s keratin layer and by inflammation and/or diseases of the epidermal barrier (e.g., psoriasis, eczema).b c d e



Not known whether topical flurandrenolide is distributed into milk.c d e



Once absorbed through the skin, topically applied corticosteroids are metabolized primarily in the liver.b c d e

Elimination Route

Topical corticosteroids and metabolites are excreted by the kidneys and, to a lesser extent, in bile.b c d e




Cream, Ointment, and Lotion

15–30°C;c e avoid freezing.a


25°C (may be exposed to 15–30°C).d


  • Ointment has high-range corticosteroid activity; cream has medium-range corticosteroid activity.b

  • Precise mechanism of action for topical anti-inflammatory activity is unknown; therapeutic benefit in the management of corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses mediated primarily through anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, and vasoconstrictive actions.b c d e

  • Anti-inflammatory effects may occur through stabilization of cellular and lysosomal membranes, preventing release of proteolytic enzymes.c d e

  • Decreases inflammation by stabilizing leukocyte lysosomal membranes, preventing release of destructive acid hydrolases from leukocytes; inhibiting macrophage accumulation in inflamed areas; reducing leukocyte adhesion to capillary endothelium; reducing capillary wall permeability and edema formation; decreasing complement components; antagonizing histamine activity and release of kinin from substrates; reducing fibroblast proliferation, collagen deposition, and subsequent scar tissue formation; and possibly by other mechanisms as yet unknown.b

  • Evaporation of water from lotion vehicle produces cooling effect.e

  • Tape is vehicle and occlusive dressing; retains insensible perspiration resulting in hydration of stratum corneum and improved drug diffusion.d Tape protects skin and acts as mechanical splint for fissures; also provides sustained action by preventing drug removal.d

Advice to Patients

  • Importance of using only as directed, only for the disorder for which it was prescribed, and for no longer than prescribed; avoid contact with the eyes and only apply externally as directed.c d e (See Topical Administration under Dosage and Administration.)

  • Importance of informing patients that treated areas of the skin should not be bandaged or otherwise covered or wrapped as to be occlusive unless directed by a clinician.c d e

  • Importance of reporting any local adverse reactions, especially those occurring under occlusive bandage, to a clinician.b c d e

  • Importance of informing parents of children not to use diapers or plastic pants on children being treated in the diaper area as these garments may constitute occlusive dressings.c d

  • Importance of informing clinicians of existing or contemplated concomitant therapy, including prescription and OTC drugs.c d e

  • Importance of women informing clinicians if they are or plan to become pregnant or plan to breast-feed.c d e

  • Importance of advising patients of other important precautionary information. (See Cautions.)


Excipients in commercially available drug preparations may have clinically important effects in some individuals; consult specific product labeling for details.



Dosage Forms


Brand Names




0.025% and 0.05%

Cordran SP (with propylene glycol)



4 mcg/cm2 roll and patch

Cordran Tape




Cordran (with benzyl alcohol)



0.025% and 0.05%




This report on medications is for your information only, and is not considered individual patient advice. Because of the changing nature of drug information, please consult your physician or pharmacist about specific clinical use.

The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. and represent that the information provided hereunder was formulated with a reasonable standard of care, and in conformity with professional standards in the field. The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. and make no representations or warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to such information and specifically disclaims all such warranties. Users are advised that decisions regarding drug therapy are complex medical decisions requiring the independent, informed decision of an appropriate health care professional, and the information is provided for informational purposes only. The entire monograph for a drug should be reviewed for a thorough understanding of the drug's actions, uses and side effects. The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. and do not endorse or recommend the use of any drug. The information is not a substitute for medical care.

AHFS Drug Information. © Copyright, 1959-2011, Selected Revisions January 2008. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc., 7272 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland 20814.


a. AHFS drug information 2007. McEvoy GK, ed. Flurandrenolide. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists; 2007: 3531.

b. AHFS drug information 2007 McEvoy GK, ed. Topical corticosteroids general statement. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; 2005:3423–5.

c. Oclassen Dermatologics. Cordran(flurandrenolide) cream and ointment prescribing information. Corona, CA; 2006 Jun.

d. Oclassen Dermatologics. Cordran (flurandrenolide) tape prescribing information. Corona, CA; 2003 Mar.

e. Oclassen Dermatologics. Cordran (flurandrenolide) lotion prescribing information. Corona, CA; 2006 Jun.

f. Connetics Corporation. Verdeso (desonide) aerosol, foam prescribing information. Palo Alto, CA; 2006 Oct.

More Flurandrenolide resources

  • Flurandrenolide Side Effects (in more detail)
  • Flurandrenolide Use in Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
  • Flurandrenolide Drug Interactions
  • Flurandrenolide Support Group
  • 7 Reviews for Flurandrenolide - Add your own review/rating

Compare Flurandrenolide with other medications

  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Dermatitis
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis

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